First & Second City Halls in OSL

26 Sep 2016 –  A Walk Around Rådhusgata


Saw these 4movies over the past week. Nothing too exciting except for Sully****directed by Clint Eastwood where Tom Hanks stars in this thrilling portrait of heroic airline pilot Chesley Sully Sullenberger, re-enacting his incredible successful emergency landing of an Airbus A320 full of passengers on the Hudson River which actually happened on my Bday in 2009!!

There’s simply no substitute for experience in terms of aviation safety – Chesley Sullenberger
Fri: O was in 7Heaven when May returned after a few days from work in Portugal. Paul Simon took the title of the song from a Chinese Restaurant menu that had a chicken-and-egg dish called Mother and Child Reunion
Sat: O had company for T and waffle.
Tried out the early Christmas gift from me to them – Moods of Norway Waffle Iron in the shape of a tractor, something not necessary, but O liked it.
Musikk & Scenehuset@Gamle Raadhus for the 2ndtime within 8days!

Good to see Mariann&Torfinn Kleive again after all these years. We were neighbours at Kolsås in the 1980s. Julie Kleive gave a delightful performance of Marcus Paus’s works with Joachim Kwetzinsky at the piano. Small world, last time I heard Joachim played was at Marianne&Torfinn’s wedding (2008) where he gave quite a performance of Greg’s Wedding Day at Troldhaugen.

Has been a very rough morning, took a walk taking pix around town to clear the mind.


The Whisky Bar@Rådhusgata 28 with a huge selection of fine Irish, Scottish and world whiskies. What whisky will not cure, there is no cure for – Irish proverb!


Byens Andre Rådhus –  OSL 2ndCity Hall (1620’s). The oldest part of this building goes as far back as the years following the large fire in 1624. It was extended as it was taken over by a local official, Stiftamtskriver in 1647 that used the house as his residence. As the 1st city hall was abandoned in 1733, the city administration moved into the building and it worked as the 2ndcity hall 1743-1833. It was also a police station for over 200yrs, from 1745-1963.


Fred Olsens gt.


Sun: O wanted to sing at the children’s choir@Vestre Aker Church today and seemed to have enjoyed it.


It was his 1st church service and a good experience for him. He is sooo adorable in his shirt and vest cycling with a lamb in his bag-pack to and from church. Forgot to snap that moment, too busy focusing on is safety!

interior design scene red couch on a white wall background with copy space

Edited: today I accepted Hazel Armstrong’s challenge (looking forward to seeing her next week) to post nature photos for 1week, nominating a person each day to continue the challenge. 7countries in alphabetical order with ONLY nature pix taken by me and picking someone from that country to continue the challenge starts with –

1. Australia – the western part around Margaret River (2009) and Kim Austin is nominated to continue the challenge today. If interested in some of the pix click to this posting:

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