Bryn Kirke/Church

24 Aug 2011 – In Memory of Babs & Helge

Mon & Tue: not a cloud in the sky, days for being outdoor walking and gardening.  The walk to Bryn Church takes app 25mins, if fast and brisk walk. Days likes these are the time to stop, smell the flowers and take pix, took an afternoon to enjoy. The view from the bedroom is the start and thru’ the woods, a slippery path if wet but some considerate person placed a rope there for balance. Passing by Hammerbakken skole/elementary school where Linn attended when it was brand new. She used to run down that path just before the school-bell. In the winters she would slide down on her bottom and that took less than 1min to get to school!

Underpass leading to the bridge is painted with graffiti but in this case the new generation calls it art!

Path by the river with rays of sunshine peeping thru’ the woods, cross the bridge  but did not linger by the high-voltage wires!

Wild yellow flowers against the blue sky is pretty! The white fluff is what is left after some purple blooms. Looking back up the hill, one can see the white row houses where the starting point is with Kolsås Toppen in the background.

Bryn Kirke is a church from 1861 to Rykkinn in Bærum municipality, Akershus county. Helge (1945-1997) was the priest here as well as a friend and neighbour in the 1980s when living in Kolsås. Babs (1918-2006), was another friend and neighbour. They both lie in this churchyard. Appreciations to two wonderful people who were most kind and helpful during a difficult time. Thank you to have crossed my path in life’s journey.

Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them – George Eliot