
25 Apr 2008 – Sumach & Queen St

Wed- Happy Bday Patty, cousin Wilki‘s wife in HNL. Sumach St, very up-coming for the yuppies, where Yun bought her cosy house 30 years ago and now worth at least 10 times more than the original price. She has recently renovated the interior using my favourite light Maple wood for the 2nd level flooring. She also does her own stained glass which are absolutely beautiful, especially when the sun shines on them.

Some of the cousins who I only know by name from my HKG maternal side live in Toronto. If time permits, I will try to locate them. At present the paternal side is an overwhelming size with 33 cousins in my generation’s and that does not even include their spouses. My generation’s age ranges from 74-12. Need to find a system to colour code this family tree to result into a bright colourful one!

Thu & Fri– the car is still rolling on winter wheels, time to change on this beautiful blue sky summer day. The side by side contrast of the Old & New City Hall is quite literally magnificent. Can’t wait to try this new game that I bought for Chai, Wine-opoly, graduating from Monopoloy! No more bankruptcies now that we are of drinking age. We are going into an all night challenge of cork popping fun learning and drinking wine. 🙂

Change is inevitable, growth is intentional – Glenda Cloud