Japanese Tea Ceremory

18 Jan 2016 – The Sweetest Bus-Ride Ever

Sat: went to bed before 22hrs last night and did not get up until 0830hrs this morning! Must have been tired after the 25K walk!! Surprisingly no aches or sores, must be because of the flat terrain.


Appreciations to Yoshie & friends for an elegant Japanese T-Ceremony hosted by CC. Tkx to Lucas for a taste of this fine sake.


The Japanese tea ceremony, also called the Way of Tea, is a Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha (抹茶), powdered green tea. The presentation and elegance of this ritual always fascinate me. Fond memories of my first Japanese T-Ceremony which was introduced to me by Hiroko in Tromsø/Norway once upon a time…


Tkx to Clem for dinner at Dan Ryan’s Chicago Grill***plenty of food (enough to doggy-bag home to feed me all day tomorrow 🙂 but the service has more room for improvements. Nice to catch up with grand-nephews Stanley and Darryl. Amazing that one is in the army and the other starting his Polytechnic Education. Seems like yesterday that I visited Daisy in the hospital when Darryl was born.


What a delightful ‘sweet journey’ on the bus. Usually would have taken #36 from Regent Hotel but decided to take #16 from Orchard B to accompany Stanley making sure that he gets off at the correct stop. Got off with him at Great World City to change to #75 (16Jan around 20.30hrs heading towards CBD)  with such a courteous and nice bus-driver making this the sweetest bus-ride ever. Tkx for the lollipop, made my day.


12439245_10153222258946971_6333239601027365754_nSun: even God needed to rest on the 7th Day and being a mortal, will need it more! This amazing shoe here is a church, yes a church and so timely appropriate for Taiwan’s first female president to fit into this shoe. Perhaps Taiwan got their fairy-tales and religion confused or maybe to them they are the same 🙂 🙂

Certainly more light in a glass shoe, but what about enlightenment?


Tkx to Clem there is still yummy food from last night to last for today. Time to snooze in the rains and more laundry to be done.


2005 AT/USA, 2012 MacLehose/HKG, 2013 C2C/UK, 2016 GreenCorridor/SIN

2016SIN (2)2016SIN (1)

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks – John Muir