Winter Solstice 2015

22 Dec 2015 – The Rebirth Of The Sun


Mon: an interesting video from the US Embassy Oslo especially for those who asked what I used to eat in Norway during Christmas. Today I still enjoy the rakfish, ribbe and aquarvit. Tkx for the share, Thomas.

God jul og skål til alle mine norske familie og venner.

Caught up with these 2 movies which were featured in my absence

MV5BMTExMTUxNDQ5MjdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDk4NTgxMzQx._V1_UX67_CR0,0,67,98_AL_Woman in Gold*****is the remarkable true story of one woman’s journey to reclaim her heritage and seek justice for what happened to her family. 60yrs after she fled Vienna/Austria during WW II, a Jewish woman Maria Altman sought to regain a world famous painting of her aunt plundered by the Nazis during World War II.

11191379_oriWalk in the Woods***is a sterling showcase for two great acting veterans, Robert Redford and Nick Nolte. Watching these two interact and listening to their wizened characters’ riffs amid gorgeous scenery on the AT (filmed by another film veteran, cinematographer John Bailey) is a sheer delight – which is a good thing since that comprises the bulk of the movie. Wonderful memories of the AT…

Mon: M1 staff was at my place to try to install a DVB-12 set-top box and one indoor antenna FOC for qualifying the MDA Assistance Scheme. Since I have no TV, they will return another day when I manage to get an inexpensive one or ask around anyone who wants to get rid of an old TV!!!


Tue: Happy Winter Solstice, also known as Dong Zhi or some Cantonese call it Khor Tong. Tkx Carmel & Mei-Lin for breakfast. Good to catch up and see Mei-Lin’s mom Irene again – forgot to take pix!


The origin of the word Yule, has several suggested origins from the Old English word, geõla, the Old Norse word jõl, a pagan festival celebrated also at the winter solstice, the rebirth of the Sun. Peace be with you all no matter how or if you celebrate the Winter Solstice.
