Years of Dust and Mess

10 Jan 2014 – How I Dread Clearing Paperwork!

168594_486767801970_5404100_n2575_56639272086_1798862_nThu: amazing that niece Judy is 50 today and she does not look more than a day older than 30! Nephew Lee is 40 today too and it seems like yesterday that I pulled him up from the swimming pool where he was swallowing a lot of water then! Happy Birthdays to both and having a niece who is 50 sure does make me feel like life has gone by like a blink of an eye 😉


Nice pot-luck dinner and lots of laughter and fun at Lynne’s with the CHIJ ladies from 1962 (except for Mary). Clockwise: Shirley, Penny, Sylvia, myself, Mary, Evelyn, Rebecca, Lydia, Pat, Angela and Lynne. Thank you Lynne and her husband David for hosting this so that we can feel young again 🙂 Looking forward to her next trip back to SIN and safe journeys back to the UK.

Fri: Happy 25th Bday to grand-nephew Ang Kee Yang. Now this really makes me feel my age!!


The desk and files desperately need to be cleared and paperwork updated. Shredding papers from 2002-2012 is quite a job! These few days are when time is with me to get this done before arrival of more guest and the CNY ahead.  Will try to be disciplined to get this done before dental surgery next week… more to dread 🙁


Checking into some of my complain list and the last complain made regarding a dangerous taxi driver was in Apr 2010. Was asked then if I would testify to suspense the taxi driver’s licence. Replied that I am not here to break anyone’s rice bowl but would appreciate that he gets a warming. Impressed that the matter was promptly taken care of.

IMG_0801Wrote in again a week ago regarding a car obstructing traffic by the bus stop and attaching pix with this complain. Not the first time with inconsiderate drivers but this time it was not just a quick load off or on. Was still there even after I had to cross the road to shop and crossed back. Hope that a solution can result from constructive complains.


Have a great weekend y’all…