
24 Aug 2010 – Day after the Wedding


Sun: a pleasant farewell breakfast in the main farm-house ending the magic where trolls turned back to stones 🙂


Bjørn EGGEN HERMANSEN, May’s friend drove us to meet his parents whose cabin is on the way to Nerskogen. Appreciations to Berit&John’s hospitality for a nice afternoon and thank you for taking care of May.


Anne&Roar’s new cabin (brown) at Nerskogen, app 1hr 30mins drive from Trondheim and app 1hr drive from Storlidale. This is my first visit and to me it is surely more a house than a cabin!  Also a very relaxing hideout for the father of the bride… 🙂 🙂


The term cabin usually means the bare necessities but their new place has all the luxuries from running hot & cold water, sauna, warm-cabled floors, dish washer, TV etc, you name it and it is there!


The neighbour’s cabin (red) also had grass on the roof but flowers added more colour on their roof and the grass seems greener across the fence 🙂 🙂 🙂

The grass is always greener over the septic tank – Emma Bombeck

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