Born In The USA…

5 Jul 2015 – 4 Mile Race


Fri: lunched with Linn and Debbie downtown at Le Peep Cafe***good burgers. Many places were closed on this 4th Jul weekend.


Passed by the SC State House with the demonstrators for the Confederate flag issue. This is as far as many demonstrators go here in CAE/SC πŸ™‚ Some people have too much time to get technical about a flag!


A pleasant ‘Family Neighbourhood Social’ on this lovely evening. Appreciations to the Clearview home owners’ association for setting this up.

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The dock is now repaired and newly painted. A good time was enjoyed by all under interesting clouds with a peep of the rainbow.



Sat: bright and early at the ‘Born in the USA 4Mile Race’. Neither Linn or May are born in the USA! But they spent most of their schooling years here. Jeff and the grandchildren (except for #3) are born in the USA. Congratulations to Linn for placing (27.16). Way to go to #2 and Jessica. Good job to everyone who took part in this.


Waiting for the last runner and what a touching sight of a grandfather running with his toddle grandson. Made my day.


On the highway after the race – #2 was not happy when we suggested that someone is going to have BBQ pork for this 4th πŸ™‚ Happy 4th!


Thank you to Haley & Brian for sharing where the fireworks are best viewed from. #3 and Wil enjoying their swim before the fireworks. Blessed with good neighbours and even got to see Jupiter and Venus before they start to drift apart. Only one decent shot after the sunset. Appreciations to Linn & family for a beautiful evening on the lake.


3 above pix to various sites.

Congratulations to SIN for its 1st World Heritage Site, my favourite garden there. Bringing back fond memories of the best SIN Orchid Festival in 2003 I helped to set up there (ie personal rating)..



Sun: getting ready for another adventure – catching the Amtrak to Winter Park/FL. Random pix of downtown CAE around the area not too far from the station…


2 above pix credits to various sites.

Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white – Mark Jenkins

Jupiter And Venus

2 Jul 2015 – Goodbye To Half Of 2015

Mon: unpacking and repacking – something I never look forward to, thus procrastinating and doing every other thing. Not sure why this is so, considering the way I travel. Even cleaning house and doing the laundry are better chores!


Tue: Venus and Jupiter have gradually converged in the night sky the past month. They passed within a third of a degree of each other tonight, was unable to see them but had a lovely evening stroll.


The two planets will then stay within two degrees of each other until 4Jul, when they’ll drift out of view. This will happen again in 2023. Tonight was too cloudy, but lucky enough to have a glimpse of the full moon before the clouds moved in. Will keep a look out for the next few nights.


Jupiter & Venus will be so close in the night sky they’ll look like a double star! #space

gOa0hfqT-M8CIf ‘Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,’ it is no wonder why men and women are so far apart πŸ™‚ Jupiter will at least stay within two degrees of Venus for a few nights πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Rains and winds blew by late afternoon creating some pine needles and cones on the driveway. Even sweeping the driveway is better than anything to do with packing!

canada-day-flagWed: hello Jul and Happy Canada day to my family & friends in Canada and to all celebrating this day. 1 Jul 1867 Canada became a new federation with its own constitution by signing the Constitution Act – formerly known as the British North America Act.

Happy Birthday Canada!

11659240_10204059556720378_8133070541990686691_nAll the recent news regarding shootings, terrorists, hate-crimes, and other issues etc have been noted and seen with awareness. When I am unable to contribute anything constructive or positive to the situations, it is better not to discuss them, but it does not mean that I agree or condole to such actions.

1 Happy Canada Day

4 Happy 4th for USA

14 Happy Bday Keith and Happy Bastille Day/France

17 Happy Bday Nancy Bowman

19 Happy Anniversary Linn & Jeff

20 Happy Bday David Yeoh

21 Happy Bday Albert Chua

22 Happy Anniversary Dika & Mark B

23 Happy Bdays James & Lucas

25 Happy Bday Winnie/CA


Appreciations to Chuan’s sharp eye sight for spotting an error in this downloaded quote. Thank you for letting me know. Edited.