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In With the New

25 Oct 2013 – Out with the Old…

And only with things can one do that! If nothing works to cheer me up, this will do the job. Got my contractor Vincent to give me quotes for a world map screen + other odd jobs to tidy the place. Whoever wants the futon (minus cushions), a coffee table and 2 easy chairs are welcome to collect them.

Tue: shopping day at IKEA with nephew Clem (green T-shirt) was success and dinner at his parents, my bro Steven and family. Thanks to 4th sis-in-law for home-made dinner. Pix from 2011 when May was visiting. So difficult to get the family pix nowadays! Good to catch up with niece Judy (next to Clem) and grandnephew Darrly (next to bro Steven) who has grown taller than me (in blue with his school mates in a recent pix).

Thank you Aileen for arranging lunch with Yulis. The last time we did that was in 2011. Somehow when we meet up there is much to catch up that we need more than the lunch hour! Your 3 lovely children are into their own world and soon will be living their own life. Yulis is as charming and beautiful as ever and now even more so now, inside out with a future addition. Appreciations to the first friends after moving back to SIN over a decade ago. Glad that we can remain friends in spite of the age differences 🙂

Saw this sign on the bus yesterday and really had a craving for durians but will have to wait as the stomach is not quite up to being a glutton yet 🙂 🙂

For my overseas friends, Durian is the King of Fruits in this region. The edible flesh emits a distinctive odour that is strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the durian as pleasantly fragrant; others find the aroma overpowering and revolting!

TGIF and a wonderful weekend to all. Took 4hrs to put an IKEA sofa bed together with many oops and ‘huff da’, must be out of practise!! Hopefully the coffee table and 2 easy chairs will be a breeze… 🙂 🙂 🙂

Durians Smell Awful — But the Taste Is Heavenly

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