Public Transport

20 May 2012 – in OSL

Is efficient and on time but expensive. Living centrally has its + and that town is within reach by foot, my usual means of transport within the area! Oslotrikken, the OLS Tramway started in 1875. Today it is 131.4km/81.6mi with 6 lines and 99 stops and a great way to get to the downtown area. All the lines on the system go either through downtown, or, more rarely, terminate there.

It is operated by OSL Sporveier with a daily ridership of over 100,000. Above pix is a historic electrical tram. The price of a single tram and bus ticket ride in the OSL area is NOR30/over S$6.

The other means of public transport are buses, T-bane/subways, trains. The cabs here are very expensive and it must have been over 30yrs ago since my last cab ride here! Waaaay out of my budget!! Eplains where and when the long distant walking started, during my stay in Norway 🙂

Flytoget/express (efficient and frequent) train to the airport takes app 20mins with 1 stop and cost NOK170/app S$36. The cab will empty your wallet -over NOR1,500,/app S$350! Gas here is NOK14/S$3 per liter! L just told me that in SC/USA, it cost US$3.8/S$4.8/NOK 23 per gallon. 1 US gallon = 3.78liter.

M wrote an interesting article on SIN public transport last year titled: SIN Transport System – Advance but it is Sustainable! She is certainly in advnace with her article, as this year the MRT system in SIN is showing signs of wear and tear!!

About 60 percent of the oil consumed daily by Americans is used for transportation, and about 45 percent is used for passenger cars and light trucks – Sherwood Boehlert

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